Sunday, June 12, 2011


I took this blogs header picture during a Greece trip. I think off of the island of Patmos, where John is said to have written Revelations. I was walking around the ship, listening to my ipod when I walked out a door and was hit by this view, just as this song came through my ear buds:

"Did you rise the sun for me?
Paint a million stars that I might know your majesty?
Is your voice upon the wind?
Is everything I've known marked with my Maker's fingerprints?

Breathe on me.
Let me see Your Face.
Ever I will seek you.

Because all you are is all I want, always.
Draw me close in your arms.
Oh God, I wanna be with you.

Can I feel you in the rain?
Abandon all I am to have you capture me again.
Let the earth resound with praise.
Can you hear as all creation lives to glorify one name?"
-Hillsong, Always.

It was a stunning moment. Beautiful in essence and meaning and feeling. It was everything I could do just to keep standing, leaning against the railing, basking in the splendor of God's glorifying creation.

I hope and I pray that our Creator God will continue to create in me a new heart. One that doesn't need such astonishing and blatant displays to feel His presence and revel in it. One that more and more every day appreciates the sacrifice of Christ, and the blessing of everyday life- lived for Him.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dinner Anyways

It's one of those days.
We say this phrase for a large variance of reasons. But it always is. Unless of course we are just whiners. Unless I'm a whiner.
I guess it's not really one of those days.

Work was decent. I'm just feeling a lot of things unrelated to any of my current circumstances.

It hailed. But Patrick warned me so I got the cover on my car-- and they were only about the size of a pea. I know. I watched the entire time... wondering what in the world I could possibly do about it anyways if they turned larger. Like ... baseballs. Or, God forbid, footballs. I hope that's not possible.

I still whine to myself that I wanted wedding pictures that were more fun. Still. Over five months later. I whine to myself. I guess the only maturity I can claim there is that I'm not really whining to other people. Although... this probably counts as whining to other people. Unless no one is reading this thing anymore. But, I do really wish I had at least had a just for fun photo session with my man and our bridal party. Because, really, the pictures are what I'm going to look back on and, while we did get a few fun ones, for the most part they were just posed and sort of fake. I got really spoiled at Hannah's wedding, I think, with all of the fun we had taking the pictures-- and it's really my one great regret from that day. So, in future, I shall counsel all engaged couples to make sure they get what they want out of their photographer. It's too important to just settle. And it's not like we didn't have a talented photographer- we just didn't have a creative one.

It sort of feels good to get that out there.

I really like summertime in Wyoming, despite the mosquitos. I spent several months here thinking that it would never get warm and now it is, mostly, except for the hail and semi-occasional thunderstorms, and it is lovely.

I feel suddenly incapable of stringing together worthwhile thoughts. Arguably, this is reflected in this entire post. That's fine. I have to go work on dinner anyways.