Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dancing in the Rain on Sunny Days; Part 8

Or you could actually dance. That is fully acceptable and I think it would be awesome for someone to come in and, with some amount of joy in their heart, give you some terrible news. (You've just been laid off, downsized. Your dog was just taken by the pound. Your kid was caught at school making a pipe bomb.) And you look that mean little person in the eye, and you stand up, still looking them in the eye, and start dancing. You could feel joy in the movement and the act of defiance against all rain, and that person would be confused, but you would be dancing. (You may even start a dance revolution in your workplace.) Which really does make everything better. Literal and figurative dancing. Also, the pirate koala agrees. So do the sticky notes-- because I've decided they do have feelings. And their feelings on this subject are agreement.


  1. I'm missing the part where that koala is a pirate? did you just like- injure one of his eyes or something?

  2. actually Microsoft Word took his eye. I have no idea where it went after I was playing with some of their picture editing stuff.

  3. that is one of the creepiest things I've heard.

    "it took his eye" shudder.
