Monday, April 5, 2010

Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

Three days ago, Saturday (March 27th), I woke up on the floor of my bedroom at school to the voice of Leonard Nimoy sining out of my ihome: the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. Sarah looked at me as if I was crazy, but I thought it would be a hilarious way to start our spring break journey together when I was setting the alarm Saturday morning.
(Because, of course, we didn't get to sleep before about 3 AM. We had spent that evening at R House and with its gentlemen. The five of us, Andrew, Cameron, Sarah, Patrick and myself had road-tripped to Ohio for Sonic at around 4:30 PM and then gone back to their house to hang out- a standard weekend activity for all of us- and a great way to kick off spring break.)
After spending time with my amazing, kind, strong, handsome boyfriend, he took me home. I cleaned up the house a little, packed, made him a CD, and, when Sarah arrived back- walked back by Cameron (the sweet surprise who hails from LA)- we went to sleep.

The ride to the airport was difficult, even with the day having been started by Leonard. My amazing boy is a good driver, but Sarah and I were tired, even through our excitement and Untal also fell asleep in the front seat. I also stayed awake because I always feel that someone should stay awake with the driver- as as the driver was mine- I did. An hour of playing with his hair and holding his hand later and we were taking the off-ramp to the South entrance of the Detroit airport... but the freeway to it was all backed up, so Patrick- on the off-ramp- backed up and got back on the freeway. Several exits down the road we are in the aiport, bags have been moved, CD given, a kiss goodbye and Patrick is gone and Sarah and I are watching Andrew try to manage 2 roller bags which he refuses help with.
Okay. Sarah and I go check in and get in line for security. It's not too bad a wait and the guy checking our IDs is a sweet older man who tries really hard to get everyone's name right. Apparently mine- Harper- is a sweet respite after Sarah's- Kavaljian.

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