Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chapter 25: It's 9:05 AM

We are in Phoenix Sky Harbor (which sucks because it doesn't have any McDonalds. O McDonald's! How callously we rejected you in Hawaii! How right it is that you should reject us now!) We have been thus since 5:15 AM Arizona time. We are recklessly tired and our flight leaves here in about an hour. We attempted to sleep on the plane. Sarah had a tall man behind her window seat who did not take kindly to her seat being back and kept kneeing it up. She had a bleary-old-contact-eyed staredown with him. I slept and was awake intermittently with the Twilight Audiobook playing in my ears.
We attempted to find a McDonald's after a Starbucks stop and found none. We settled for Burger King, which has disgusting "croissants", and then slept on a row of seats each. We have another three hour and change plan ride ahead of us with a handsome man in a Ford Escape at the end of it.
The moral of this story, kids, is that Hawaii is worth it. Go to college there and always fly first class on flights five hours or longer.

PS- haha. It looks like this flight gets in an hour earlier than projected... Cool. Because my ears are going nuts.

Mahalo. Aloha.

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