Monday, April 5, 2010

The Chronicles of Maui

*I'm going to be posting the play-by-play of Spring Break that I wrote while Sarah and my parents and I were in Hawaii. You'll have to start here and work your way through if you want to understand the time line, but they'll all be up here.*


It's Tuesday morning on Maui. A little before 7 AM, I'm sitting on the balcony of our hotel room in my pjs-- not cold at all. Clouds move quickly across a fantastically blue sky, as they always seem to do here. The beauty of the place is not marred by them.
Our room has a view of the garden- lush and packed with tropical plants. A small stream surrounds the colorful paradise which holds a pool and a hot tub. IF I stand in the Northeastern corner of the balcony, I can see the Pacific.
It's Paradise.

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