Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chapter 18: Nothing Planned

Thursday was excellent for its calm. There was no absolute wake up time (although I got up at 6:45 anyways) and there was nowhere to immediately be once wakefulness was achieved. Sarah and I took it slow- reading and writing (no arithmetic) until Mom and Dad finally asked when we were coming over for breakfast. After breakfast and some delicious 100% Kona coffee, we all decided, and by we all I mean us three girls, that we would like to go to downtown Lahaina. Dad made some remarks about tyranny of the majority which I hushed by reminding him that in that case its the responsibility of the minority to convince the majority of its opinion and he didn't even have any ideas.
We first dropped Mom off at the Salvation Army thrift store which was on the edge of the main drag. (She reported later that everything was clean but that the store was disorganized and packed full o' stuff.) Then Dad dropped Sarah and I off across from teh beautiful BAnyan tree so we could shopxlplore and he could go read.

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